Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To avoid Traffic in Bangalore (Chennai, Mumbai, kolkatha, Delhi, Cochi, Coimbatore, salem, Mysore, Rajastan, Agra, Hyderabad, Madurai, Trichy)

To control the traffic in Bangalore or in any other City in India or china(Chennai, Mumbai, kolkatha, Delhi, Cochi, Coimbatore, salem, Mysore, Rajastan, Agra, Hyderabad, Madurai, Trichy, Sri nagar, Jammu, Nagpur ) car pool is the best way fro employees in a company.

In an Organaisation 10,000 employees might be working , out this strength more than 50% of the people will have their own vehicle (Car, motor cycle). If every employee of that organaisation uses his own vehcle and starts from the different parts of the city, finally it will end up with the Traffic in the one Road. It will increase the polution , Traffic, Noise on the Road and more fuel consumption which is not the main reason for Indian economy, but it could be the one reason for this.

To avoid this situation, people who are starting from the same place or nearby place can club and can come by one's car or bike. those people can share the expense among them. From the they save their money as well as India.
